DIY Friday: Captain America Fabric Belt


Joann Fabric & Craft has been releasing some pretty nice licensed fabrics, so I wanted to create something that would allow me to buy a few of them, as well as, make something that was Avengers appropriate. At the time, I wasn’t able to find any fabrics that featured all of the Avengers (that has since been remedied), but I did pick up this neat Captain America print. I decided that would be perfect for my next project, a fabric belt!

I have a bit of a confession, I’m ADDICTED to Pinterest. So when it came time to figure the type of belt I was going to make, I immediately went to my favorite site to see what I could dig up.

I found some pretty nice tutorials, but this one from Elegant Musings definitely seemed to suit my needs for this project. After that, I headed to my nearest Joann and picked up these supplies:

Captain America Fabric
Belt Boning
A Belt Buckle

I actually have a pretty good arsenal of sewing supplies, but if you don’t you also might want to add:

Matching thread
Sewing Needles
Sewing Machine

After getting my supplies together, I pretty much followed the tutorial as is. There were a few things I adapted to better fit my needs.

Because the fabric was already separated into vertical sections I used those to determine the width of the pieces I would need for the belt. Also, I wanted to join the strips together in a way that they would look seamless and I wouldn’t be repeating any of the same pictures. Since each image were outlined by colors, I tried to match up those colors so that when I sewed them together. Also, once sewed, I made sure to iron the seams so that it looked more like one continuous piece.

One mistake I made was the fabric ended up being much longer than I needed. Luckily, just two of the strips together was long enough. Although, one thing I would have changed is the overall length. I made this to fit my natural waist, but it doesn’t fit around my hips where my pants normally sit, so I would definitely take that into account when making your own.

Other than that, I’m pretty proud of the way it turned out. What do you think? Anyone else love Pinterest? What are your favorite things to pin? Have you added ours yet? I think I also might want to try my hand at some other belts like this one, or maybe this one.

5 comments on “DIY Friday: Captain America Fabric Belt

  1. Nicole Evans says:

    Great project! As for the fabric I managed to find some avenger character montage fabric at Walmart of all places. After making a pillow and a purse gonna try my hand at this belt- thanks 🙂

  2. This is so cool! I love Joann’s section of printed textiles.

  3. Shea says:

    I made a pair of boxers with that fabric!

  4. Love JoAnns, Got some SWEET star wars fabric there. Also – adore Pintrest, quite addicted.

  5. […] DIY tutorial. Since Joann has been carrying a lot of great licensed fabric, like I mentioned here, I’ve been looking for ways to convert it into something fun. Once I bought this great […]

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